California CEEDAR
High Leverage Practices
HLP/TPE Alignment Resource
HLP 2: Organize and Facilitate Effective Meetings with Professionals and Families
Lead and participate in a range of meetings with the purpose of identifying clear, measurable student outcomes and developing instructional and behavioral plans that support these outcomes. Encourage consensus building through positive communication, sharing of multiple perspectives, demonstrating active listening, and soliciting feedback.
U TPE 1.2
Maintain ongoing communication with students and families, including the use of technology to communicate with and support students and families, and to communicate achievement expectations and student progress
U TPE 4.5
Promote student success by providing opportunities for students to understand and advocate for strategies that meet their individual learning needs and assist students with specific learning needs to successfully participate in transition plans (e.g., IEP, IFSP, ITP, and 504 plans.)
MMSN 4.7 (pdf)
ESN 4.8 (pdf)
U TPE 4.6
Access resources for planning and instruction, including the expertise of community and school colleagues through in-person or virtual collaboration, co-teaching, coaching, and/or networking.
MMSN 4.6 (pdf)
ESN 4.7 (pdf)